Welcome to Class! Please meet in the robotics room

  • Quick discussion on Network Layers - the OSI  model
  • Today we are going to start Lab #3 | Please make a copy and share back
  • Post your copy of your lab with an appropriate thumbnail picture to YOUR lab's page.
  • Remember, you can always take a look a the example portfolio if you have any questions on specific presentation
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio to share all the great progress you are making each and every day. 
  • To better understand how to receive FULL POINTS on your "What I did Today" section, please review our RUBRIC
  • Music is OK if it helps you concentrate

  • As a reminder, labs take priority over cert prep. Once you complete your lab, cycle back to your default cert
  • If you have an 80/20% project in the works, be sure to check in with Mrs. LaMarche for workspace availability on an individual support basis.
  • Remember, all 80/20% projects are unique and different from one another. We need to share the time and equipment.
  • Some 80/20% projects don't require tools, equipment or Mrs. LaMarche's/ Help Desk student's assistance.  Those simple 80/20 projects typically ALWAYS have the greenlight as long as you have your labs caught up. 


Network Notes — OSI Model