Welcome to Class!
- Quick Ted Talk watch while I work with Dev Class / Help Desk
- head into S3 for our annual Portfolio turn Race
- Please turn in your portfolio using THIS FORM DUE TODAY!!
- Please make sure your portfolio is shared with lamarchesa@tfsd.org
- Please make sure your What I Did Today Page reflects what you accomplished this week
- Your What I Did Today Page is DUE TODAY & everyday
- Once you have turned in your portfolio and I have varified access by adding this link to our seating chart, please continue with "Your next step"
- Your next step could be 1) finishing your Bio, Working on your "What I Did Today", or cycling back to your next Cert. At this point, maybe you have completed the AI cert or maybe you have moved onto your NEXT CERT
- So far you have a few certificates to work on but there are many other options we will discuss as class continues. You can find these other options over at a page called --> CERT PREP